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It’s always a dilemma, or one might say a perplexing question: What to use? Django or Flask? This blog may not provide an exact answer, but it aims to offer meaningful insights into the question, enabling you to make an informed decision on what to use and why.

Python’s Dominance in Web Development

Python has emerged as one of the foremost programming languages, particularly in the realms of web development and API creation. Web frameworks play a pivotal role in simplifying and streamlining the web development process in Python. They furnish a structured and organized approach to building web applications by providing a suite of tools, libraries, and conventions that facilitate common tasks. Frameworks often come equipped with pre-built components and features, expediting the development process. They advocate for code organization and adhere to design patterns, enhancing codebases’ maintainability and scalability as projects expand. Furthermore, developers can tap into a broad ecosystem of plugins, extensions, and middleware to augment their applications.

Wide Array of Python Web Frameworks

In the realm of Python web frameworks, options abound, including Flask, Django, CherryPy, Web2Py, and more. However, Flask and Django stand out as the major players, garnering widespread usage due to their well-established, mature user communities and broad support.

Now let’s see a little introduction to these two frameworks DJANGO and FLASK:


Django, in contrast, is a high-level, feature-rich web framework that provides a more opinionated structure for web development. It adheres to the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle, aiming to reduce redundancy in code and encourage efficient development practices. Django’s batteries-included philosophy means it comes with a plethora of built-in features, saving developers time and effort in setting up common functionalities. A well-structured file system, plugins, ORM, etc., make this framework developer-friendly for larger application developments.


Flask is a lightweight and micro-framework for web development in Python. Developed with simplicity and minimalism in mind, Flask provides developers the freedom to choose components and libraries based on project requirements. This flexibility in project structure and development is usually known for quicker
development and is also an easier framework to learn with a lesser learning curve.

Now, let’s start with the actual concept. Which one? Let’s begin this comparison concept by concept to make it easier for decisions.

Learning Curve and Documentation:

If it’s about learning, Flask is always an easier framework for quick learning and adapting. In other words, Django is not tougher to start with, but its well-structured and multiple-file environment makes it easy for a newbie developer to adapt quickly. Flask has a simple and minimalistic structure.

Flask’s design philosophy prioritizes simplicity. The framework provides only the essentials, giving developers the freedom to choose and integrate components as needed. In contrast, Django, being a feature-rich framework, has a steeper learning curve. Its comprehensive set of built-in functionalities introduces more concepts and abstractions, requiring developers to invest more time in learning the framework’s conventions.

Project Structure and Flexibility:

Project structure is key for easy and faster development and is crucial for faster debugging and bug fixing. One major difference between Flask and Django is the project structure.

Flask embraces a minimalistic and unopinionated approach to the project structure. It provides essential components, allowing developers to make decisions based on their preferences. The minimal structure is beneficial for small to medium-sized projects, enabling flexibility in organizing files and directories. Flask provides developers with greater flexibility in choosing components and libraries since it doesn’t enforce a specific project structure.

Django follows a prescriptive and opinionated structure, imposing a certain project layout and enforcing a set of conventions. Django’s opinionated structure is designed for streamlined development with a predefined directory layout, making it easier for developers to locate files and follow best practices. Django’s structure is geared toward rapid development by including built-in features like Object-Relational
Mapping (ORM) system, authentication, and an admin interface.

So, both frameworks have their own flexibility and structure. Django is more structured with built-ins, and Flask is more flexible in terms of components and choosing libraries.

ORM and Database Support:

In the case of databases, both frameworks support many databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. Using both frameworks, we can easily connect and work with any database.

One major pro for Django is that it comes with a robust and built-in Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system known as Django ORM. This ORM simplifies database interactions by allowing developers to work with database tables and records using Python classes and methods.

In the case of Flask, it does not have any built-in ORM but seamlessly integrates with external libraries like SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is a popular and powerful SQL toolkit and ORM that enables developers to interact with databases using Python.

In terms of database support, both have equal capabilities, as both support most databases. Django has the built-in ORM, and Flask has alternatives.

Template Engine:

Flask uses Jinja2 as the template engine, while Django has its own template engine. Jinja2 has a relatively simple and easy-to-learn syntax, making it accessible for beginners. The straightforward syntax contributes to a shallow learning curve. Also, Jinja2 is well-suited for small to medium-sized projects and applications where simplicity and flexibility are prioritized.

Django’s template language, while powerful, may have a steeper learning curve for beginners due to its unique syntax and extensive feature set. The Django template engine’s complexity becomes more apparent in larger projects. Django’s template engine excels in larger projects with a more structured and feature-rich development approach.

There are some differences in syntax and template inherent features, and based on my experiences, template engines are less considered when choosing between Flask and Django.

Community and Support:

The community and support play major roles when the framework is open source, both in your development and the framework’s development. Flask and Django have active communities, each with its strengths. Flask’s community is growing and fosters flexibility, while Django’s community is mature, providing stability and a vast ecosystem of reusable components for efficient development.

The growing community means there may be fewer resources available compared to Django, but the community is actively contributing to the framework’s expansion. Developers using Flask often appreciate the flexibility to assemble the components they need.

Now, the important aspect is Performance and Use Cases.

Performance plays a major role in choosing between Flask and Django. Flask is lightweight and potentially faster for smaller applications. The minimalist design allows developers to include only the components needed for a specific project, reducing overhead and improving response times.

Django, being a high-level framework, comes with a comprehensive set of built-in features. While these features provide convenience and speed up development, they may introduce some overhead. The inclusion of features like the ORM, admin interface, and authentication can impact performance, especially in smaller applications where these functionalities might not be fully utilized.

Now, based on this, a decision can’t be made like “let’s do it with Flask.” Another major thing to consider is the USE CASE. The following points can help you understand the use cases of the frameworks.


Suggested Use Cases for Flask Based on Its Strengths:

  • Small to Medium-sized Projects: Flask is well-suited for small to medium-sized projects where simplicity and flexibility are crucial.
  • API Development: Its lightweight nature makes it an excellent choice for building APIs.
  • Microservices Architecture: Flask’s modularity is beneficial for developing microservices.

Real-world Examples of Applications Built with Flask:

  • Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.


Suggested Use Cases for Django Based on Its Strengths:

  • Large-scale Web Applications: Django is particularly well-suited for large-scale web applications with comprehensive feature requirements.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Its built-in admin interface and robust ORM make it a good choice for CMS development.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Django’s features make it suitable for building complex e-commerce platforms.

Real-world Examples of Applications Built with Django:

  • Instagram, Disqus, etc.
Now, the Consideration.


Flask’s lightweight nature makes it a strong contender for projects where speed and simplicity are paramount. It is suited for those who prefer a more modular approach to building web applications.


Django shines in larger projects that require a comprehensive set of features and a convention over configuration approach. It is suited for developers who value built-in functionalities and conventions when working on complex web applications.


Both frameworks have their advantages, and the decision-making will be simpler when you are firm on what you are building and what makes your work easier. I have tried explaining some key points in an easier way to help you make considerations faster, so you can invest more time in building that one good application rather than focusing on the tech stack.