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The client was facing challenges in managing day to day deployments, changes , access control, provisioning resources etc. There was no automation in place and no monitoring process to troubleshoots issues.


Euphoric’s team of experts successfully implemented DevOps automation using Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm to streamline their software development. By adopting these technologies, Euphoric aimed to enhance thecollaboration, improve application scalability, and achieve faster and more efficient releases. Euphoric’s Team used Jenkins to build a comprehensive pipeline to manage CICD. Kubernetes cluster was deployed to manage their containerized applications. Kubernetes provided advanced container orchestration capabilities, including scalability, load balancing, and self-healing Helm was employed for deployment Management, Helm charts encapsulated application configurations, dependencies, and deployment templates. Kafka UI was built by the Euphoric team to manage all the error logs in an easier way. RCA was done in a shorter time which saved developers time. Sentry was implemented for error tracking . Euphoric wrote a script which was deployed on lambda which made issue fixes easier. The client had a tight coupling with Kafka to handle the async request. There were lots of events to be handled through Kafka. Considering cost and performance factors Euphoric implemented autoscaling of pods and autoscaling of nodes. Autoscaling of the pod was handled through custom metrics and node autoscaling was handled using cluster autoscaler.


Streamlined Deployment: The manual deployment process was replaced with automated pipelines, reducing errors and minimizing deployment time. Developers are able to focus on their core development work and not on issue fixes.

Scalability and High Availability: Using Kubernetes has made seamless scaling of application instances based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and high availability. Increased Efficiency: The automation of build, test, and deployment processes led to faster and more efficient releases, reducing time-to-market.

Standardized Deployments: Helm charts facilitated consistent deployment configurations and simplified application management across different environments.

Improved Collaboration: DevOps practices enhanced collaboration and communication between teams, enabling faster issue resolution and increased productivity